Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Butoh Course at Outokumpu Dance School/Tanssin koulutus Outokumpu Riveria in Outokumpu, Finland!!

 Date: 18 - 22 Sep 2023!

The Image from Tanssin koulutus Outokumpu Riveria

Butoh Weekend Course at Kalliolan Kansalaisopisto in Helsinki!

 Date: 2 & 3rd Sep 2023!

Masaki Iwana`s tribute Butoh festival in Normandy, France/ 14 - 20 Aung 2023!

 Workshop & solo performance!

Butoh Workshop and other artists workshops at Touch&Play UK - Embodying the Creativity of Life Force in the UK, 29th July - 3rd Aug 2023!

Butoh workshop & Performance at Live Art day in Sippola Art Center in Finland!

Date: 20 -23 July 2023!

Summer Open University Butoh Courses in Helsinki from 3rd July to 14th July 2023!!

 Date for beginners 3 - 7th July. Date for advanced 10 - 14th July 2023!


Healing Butoh Workshop advanced at Druna in Prague 3rd & 4th June 2023!

 Registration here: